Although Bangladesh is a developing country, but there is a sizable of people those are maintaining upper class in the society. Basically, about 9.75% of the whole masses are living this stage. Defiantly most of the upper level people live in the city areas. They lead luxurious and healthy life. Basically they kept the mainstreams of economy of Bangladesh. Obviously there income are so high, they build luxurious building, they do shopping world class market even in abroad. Usually upper class drives BMW, HUMMER, LEXUS, FERRARI, etc those they can able to buy.
Upper class people build the industry, garments factory, banks, and insurance. Schools, shopping center etc. Basically these people lead standard life according to demand as they want. They can easily fulfill there basic needs as well as there luxurious needs.
good but whose are the upper upper class people ? name mention carrying need e.g industrialist.