Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lower Level peole life:

A class of people in a society characterized by low income, low level of education, high unemployment and, as a result of these, a low social status.Social class refers to the hierarchical distinctions (or stratification) between individuals or groups in societies or cultures. Usually most societies have some notion of social class , but concretely defined social classes are not found in every known type of human societies.

Bangladesh known by the world as a poor country. Most of the people live under poverty. As a whole the life of the lower class people also very miserable. Usually they could not able to buy the extra necessities even there food,clothes,education. There accommodation system is so poor basically they live in slum or in village straws made house. They are not capable to lead average life. Always they fall in trouble to earn the food. there life style so poor they can't able to send there children in school,to take education.Poor people in Bangladesh tend to have low levels of education and limited access to land and hold low paying, physically demanding, and socially unattractive occupations, such as casual wage labor. In both urban and rural areas, the poor lack access to modern amenities and services, and they also tend to live in houses of inferior quality. Households headed by women, who are widowed, divorced, or separated, have a considerably higher incidence of poverty relative to the others.

Poverty levels are typically determined based on income and consumption levels. But evidence, and the voices of poor people themselves, have shown that poverty has many more dimensions.

Poverty means hunger, lack of medical treatment, and poor access to basic services, such as electricity and water supply. It means being unable to send children to school and often needing them to work instead.

Poverty means a lack of assets—such as land or savings—and thus extreme vulnerability to shocks due to economic downturns, family illness or natural disasters. It means social exclusion, and a constant feeling of insecurity and stress based on an uncertain future.

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